A pretty picture. For more pretty pictures, see here.
Please observe that the tongue-in-cheek dialog below refers to a thing of the past. The Simxon company is now defunct. You can, however, still have any dialog you want with me.
Dear Simxon (letter received)
Dear Simxon,
I have a problem which has bothered me since I first encountered Simxon's website.
It is not about the website itself. Actually, I find it stimulating, inspiring and informative - even fun at places. No, my problem is that I don't know what to do with these intriguing emotions.
See, my employer sticks to a pervasive software product called Astryn. There is no need at all to speak in disfavor of Astryn. Besides from being pervasive, it is also of an impeccable quality.
But after having met Simxon, I realize that there is more to life than just pervasiveness and quality. The Simxon website talks about "enthusiasm" and "generosity". Such concepts play an important role both in my private life and in many aspects of my professional life. These lives of mine normally go fine together as they both require passion, ingenuity, stamina and other properties that I consider myself in possession of.
But now I have begun having doubts about Astryn. Would I experience more passion and ingenuity (and need more stamina) with Simxon instead?
I don't know what to do. Please advise me.
Regards, the engineer of yesteryear (the identity of the writer is known to Simxon)
Dear Kim Ravn-Jensen anno 2016,
I sincerely understand your situation and the way you perceive it. Luckily for you, Simxon is a genuine solution provider, offering answers to any kind of questions. The answer to your question is unfaithfulness. This may seem confusing, so I guess I'll have to explain myself a little further.
You may think that "unfaithfulness" is a bad thing for the simple reason that "faithfulness" is normally considered a good thing. After all, we name both dogs and geysers after the latter.
But then think of the concept of "altruism". Altruism is celebrated worldwide as a commendable trait. Nevertheless, people who commit themselves to its negation seem to thrive, too.
Regarding unfaithfulness, you also have to make a distinction. Concerning your love life, unfaithfulness is perhaps a success strategy. In order to stay away from darker testimonials, look at the Mozart opera "Cosi fan tutte". Here, you should clearly see what I mean by "perhaps".
In business life, unfaithfulness is definitely a success strategy. If you remain faithful to your single-source supplier, you will undoubtedly get screwed one day.
How does that apply to your original question? Elementary, my dear: Stick to both for a while. The cost of hiring Simxon for a pilot project may be marginal in comparison with the license fees that your employer pays for the benefits of staying faithful to Astryn.
As long as Astryn is the only thing you know, you won't be able to choose. When you know how Simxon can or cannot help your business, you will be able to make an informed choice. That choice will be yours. As long as you rely on somebody else's choices of yesteryear, you will remain in doubt. And as long as you are in doubt, you cannot be happy. Not to speak of being enthusiastic, generous, passionate and ingenious.
Rest assured: If you engage with Simxon, your stamina will come into play, too. This cannot be helped as long as Simxon is the only player on its turf.
I wish you all the happiness in the world. For that reason, call Simxon on +45 21 45 88 11 or send the company an email.
Regards, Simxon