This is an attempt to publish the work behind this internet article: The key file is the script "sxforms1.bash" (SimXonFORMicroSoft). It has been designed to mimic the German concept of an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" in that it may be invoked 1) under a modern Ubuntu (18.04 LTS) with only a minimal feature set (such as 2) under Docker running the same kind of a minimal Ubuntu 3) under "Windows Subsystem for Linux, version 2" , in which cases the script will itself detect its environment. The script is shipped with these settings: skipopenfoam=0 openfoamonly=0 , under which circumstances it will both load the computer with the necessary prerequisite software for OpenFOAM, run OpenFOAM and terminate with some diagnostic messages. While Docker is setup, "sxforms1.bash" will prompt for time zone information, a password for user "user" and additional information. Concerning the latter, hitting six times will do. The folder "collection2" and the files "ahmeda_2.tgz", "build2u.tgz" and "" are needed for the OpenFOAM sequence of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) jobs. The scripts "dockerrun.bash" and "dockerrun.bat" are used when running under Docker. Note the necessity of the switch "--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE". Also note that you may need to log user "user" out and in again before being allowed to run Docker. The file "sxforms1_reference.lis" is a reference output file which may be useful for debugging purposes. Kim Ravn-Jensen, Simxon, June 18, 2019 CAUTION: DO NOT SPECIFY A HOSTNAME OF 12 CHARACTERS - DO DEFINE A USER NAMED "user"!